Fleetcarrier.space is provided as a service to Elite: Dangerous players for the purpose of managing and displaying their Fleet Carrier for other users, and may not be used for any other purposes, be they for profit or not.
To use the majority of the service's functions, users need to be logged in and authenticated against Frontier's Commander API. By using this service, you agree that we may store details needed to identify you and authenticate you against that API, including but not limited to OAuth2 access tokens, your email address, and details about your Fleet Carrier and your Commander. All such data is stored securely in our database.
The service allows you to upload content for your carrier page. This content must not be copyrighted work, lewd or obscene in nature, illegal or otherwise unsuitable for public viewing. The content must not attempt to circumvent site security or otherwise damage the service, viewers of the service, or otherwise be malicious in nature.
As per GDPR laws, you may request a copy of any information this service stores about you, or the deletion of said data, by sending an email to gdpr@fuelrats.com.